$99.00 USD

6 monthly payments

You may cancel your monthly payments by yourself at any time and your subscription will not renew thereafter. You will only be charged for the current 30-day period you are accessing, and you will continue to have access to all content until the current 30-day subscription period expires. As with all our programs, you agree to accept and abide by our Student Agreement.

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Eastern Wisdom Western Heart: Six Easy Monthly Payments

Receive immediate access to content available 24/7 from anywhere in the world.

What you'll get:

  • Each month will offer its own assortment of guided meditations, chants, and insights into spiritual practice drawn from both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions.
  • Russill Paul will not only share his Sanskrit and devotional chanting, but also contemplative chants drawn from the Christian, Jewish, and Sufi traditions.
  • Each month, you will also receive inspirational teaching that comes from Russill's rich experience of being a Benedictine monk under the direction of the renowned Bede Griffiths in India.


1) This is not an academic or discussion-based program. It is a program for the rejuvenation of the soul through healing music, sacred chant, and guided meditations.

2) New lessons are uploaded on a weekly basis. Once uploaded they remain available to you for 24/7 access until the program is completed.

3) Although you only pay for 3 months, you receive a fourth month free of charge since you will want a grace period to attend to any lessons you might have missed.