$99.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Once you purchase this offer, you will receive immediate access to our Yogic Mystery School Wellness Portal. After that, you receive one archived Wholeness Immersion Cooking Class and one archived Wholeness Immersion Discussion Group. In addition, you will receive invitations to participate in any live Wholeness or Wellness group sessions conducted online, if offered, and access to the replays if you miss them. Within one week of your enrollment in this offer, we will contact you to schedule your monthly wellness coaching session. You will receive downloadable audio of your entire 45-minute private session within three business days of its completion.

You may cancel your subscription at any time by emailing us at [email protected]. You agree that if you cancel your 30-day subscription before completing your private session, $49 will be refunded to your card on file. You agree to no refunds after your private session for your current 30-day period is completed and that all access to online content will cease once your cancellation is processed. Should you cancel your subscription by yourself, you agree that you will continue to access all content provided to you for the current 30-period and that all access will cease once completed. You may attend or forego your private session within the current 30-day period as scheduled, and the system will not charge you for the subsequent month.

You agree to abide by our Student Agreement, Wellness Coaching Agreement, Website Terms, and Health Disclaimer, which you agree to read, understand, and accept before purchasing this offer.

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Wellness Now

This program is for you if you are looking for:

  • Connecting with intuition & wisdom
  • Embracing aging with confidence
  • Creating tasty & healthy recipes
  • Healing your inner voice 


* Our 7-day flexible schedule online Spiritual Wellness Retreat.

*A 45-minute wellness coaching session will be recorded and given to you.


* Ongoing monthly access to our Wholeness Immersion program that includes archived Wholeness Cooking sessions and Wholeness Discussion groups.

*You will receive a 45-minute wellness coaching session recorded and given to you. These sessions are tailor-made for you. 

To address chronic conditions or have specific health goals such as weight loss or gut-health, choose Health Now: 

Learn More & Schedule a Consult