$750.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Within a week after your purchase, our office will contact you to schedule your 60-minute private video session with Russill Paul. Your subscription, if you choose to continue, renews every 30 days. You agree to schedule and complete your two monthly private sessions every 30 days or forfeit them. You are free to cancel your subscription at any time. Canceling your subscription will cease access to any online content after completing your current 30-day cycle, and you will not be billed for the subsequent month. Your private session with Russill will still be fulfilled within the current 30-day period. You may cancel by yourself within your account settings or by sending an email to [email protected]. When you purchase this offer, you agree to abide by our Student Agreement and Coaching Agreement 

Sri Vidya Parampara: TriMandala Sampradaya

Our system is straightforward to study in à la carte fashion. Online programs are $295 a month each for self-study. Private sessions are $295 an hour or $150 for a half-hour session. All-day Group Training is $95 for the all-day training and no online access; $195 for 10-day access to the replays and tutorials; or $250 to include the live group training, replays, and access to the program for 14 days.


You receive one 60-minute private coaching session recorded and given to you each month.

+ 24/7 access to our entire Yogic Mystery School Library of 13 (Thirteen) Premium online programs teaching Tantra, Mantra, Meditation, Healing & Spiritual Awakening.

And you receive access to any group training intensives and replays happening that month.