$295.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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You are free to cancel at any time. When you cancel your subscription, you continue to access all content delivered for the current 30-day period. However, your subscription will not renew for the following month, and you will not have library access after your current 30-day period has been completed. As with all our programs, you agree to read and abide by our Student Agreement and Healing Disclaimer when making this purchase.

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Staying Spiritually Fit: Self-Study in 3 Installments

Learn about the spiritual coaching process, the tools Russill Paul uses to help his coaching students, and his methods of spiritual coaching.

If you require instructor support, add an optional private video coaching session that will be recorded and given to you.

This program features over 100 lessons in four modules. You can complete the course in one month and cancel before it renews for the next 30-day cycle. Or you can allow it to continue for up to three months to complete the program comfortably, along with the bonus module on The Mastery of Mantra.