$295.00 USD

Upon purchase, you immediately receive access to our Sacred Masculine online portal with your Yogic Mystery School online Library.

As long as you don't cancel your subscription, it automatically renews every 30 days. You are free to cancel your subscription at any time.

Should you cancel your subscription at any time, you will continue to access all content for the current 30-day period. On the date of your next billing cycle, your access will end and your subscription will not renew.

Within 5 business days of purchasing this offer, you will be contacted to schedule your 30-minute private coaching with Russill, if you chose to add it as an option.

Once your video call is completed, you will receive a recording of the entire consult so that you can use it as a form of guidance going forward.

As with all our programs, you agree to accept and abide by our Student Agreement and Coaching Agreement.


For personal guidance and customized support, add a private 30-minute Tantric Training session recorded for you.

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Sacred Masculine Monthly

Study the program for as long or as short as you want. You are in control of your self-study process. 


If you would like instructor support, add the optional 30-minute private Tantric Training session on the side-bar.