A low-cost, minimum-commitment way to test what Russill can offer you regarding "Spiritual Voice Coaching" or spiritual practice training drawing from his mantra or Tantra expertise.
During your session, you can choose to address any spiritual condition you are experiencing or challenging circumstances you are going through and receive guidance through our spiritual coaching methodology.
Or you can also use this session to train in specific aspects of mantra, music, meditation, or Tantric healing practices.
To streamline the 30-minute session to focus on one or two valuable pieces, you fill out a questionnaire after purchasing the session so Russill can prepare for the session.
In other words, instead of taking time during the session to talk about your goals, challenges, or issues (although you can if you want to), the questionnaire helps Russill prepare for you, which maximizes the productivity of your session time.
The call focuses on training, processes, and solutions you can engage in immediately.
The call is also recorded for you with a side-by-side video using Zoom or Skype (your preference), and the recording is provided to you so you can continue to learn from it as much as you want.
The customized learning process offers profound insight and methods unique to you and your process.
Russill brings over 30 years of world-class teaching and publishing internationally, along with dynamic self-transformation in his consciousness, to your private session. He has presented alongside many of the world's most recognized teachers, authors, and musicians.