Let's Put Our Heads & Hearts Together!

Try a one-of-a-kind, Face-to-Face, Online Private Coaching Session


Use your time to address the inner conditions of your soul through a tailored approach, choosing to use mantras, vocal exercises, meditation techniques, Tantric practices, or any combination thereof that is most suited to your needs, goals and interests.

Book Your Session With Confidence

Submit a form ahead of the session with your goals and challenges so Russill can prepare and help you use every minute to the max! No need for you to take notes! 100% of your attention to the audio and visual spiritual process.

Private Coaching Session



RECORDED FOR YOU: After the session, you receive an audio and video recording of the session so you can continue learning.


Private Session



RECORDED FOR YOU: After the session, you receive an audio and video recording of the session so you can continue learning.


You are in expert hands!

Hazarat Inayat Khan, the great Sufi master, declared that "the voice is the barometer of the soul." Just as our inner conditions are "revealed" through our voice, our inner conditions can be "improved" through the voice.

Russill brings over 30 years of experience teaching voice-related spiritual practices in universities and renowned centers for education such as The Kripalu Institute Of Yoga and Health in MA, The Omega Institute For Holistic Studies in NY, Esalen Institute in CA, Hollyhock Institute in BC, and many more.

He is also an internationally acclaimed music producer and recording artist who has published best-selling CDs through a New York record label and is an author with New World Library. This highly respected press has published Eckhart Tolle, Shakti Gawain, Deepak Chopra, and other renowned authors.

Russill brings dynamic self-transformation in his own consciousness to your private session. Over the years, his coaching methods have been tested through thousands of private coaching sessions. He has presented alongside many of the world's most recognized teachers, authors, and musicians.


And You Get World-Class Personal Training

Improve your professional and personal voice through these sessions.



Your privacy is paramount! And your session is from the privacy of your home.

Our voice is a vital aspect of ourselves, and there is much to learn about ourselves through it. Often, we try to compensate for what we lack internally by projecting the opposite through our voice externally. For example, we may try and project strength when we are afraid. When we work with our voice and our soul, we go deeper. If you are interested in this kind of voice work, it can involve mantras, but you will learn to use them in a particular way. In this approach, we use a specific category of mantras, rather than a specific mantra, to develop what we lack within ourselves. The soul is something more than just our "self," our egos. Mantras are an effective way of developing what we lack in our voice, but only if we can bring that ability into everyday life, relationships, and environments. This integration is where the private 1-1 coaching process can be invaluable. You cannot learn this by asking questions via chat or text, as both you and your spiritual coach need to hear your actual voice asking the question. Besides, the process needs to be particular to you, not generalized, and further, protect your privacy.