$295.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Your access to all onlne content begins at the moment of enrollment and renews every 30 consecutive days. If you choose a private coaching session, we will contact you in 5 days to schedule it. Once your video call is completed, you will receive a recording of the entire consultation so you can use it as guidance going forward.

This program is a 90-day program with a monthly subscription. Remember, your subscription is in your hands. As long as you don't cancel, it automatically renews every 30 days. But you have the freedom to cancel at any time, ensuring your peace of mind. If you cannot cancel your subscription from within your account, contact us immediately at [email protected], and we will assist you.

Should you decide to cancel your subscription at any time, you will continue to access all content provided for the current 30-day period. On the date of your next billing cycle, your access will end and your subscription will not renew.

If you choose to be supported by a private session, you agree to abide by our Coaching Agreement. As with all our programs, you accept our Healing Disclaimer and agree to abide by our Student Agreement.

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Nada Yoga Vocal Music Training: Self-Study


Study The 3-Part System with 3 Archived Group Clinics & Tutorials

Expand your knowledge of the tutorials and clinics as you relate them to streams of Sacred Sound with Bonus Supplements

Explore our Kirtan Masterclass with Singing For God lessons and dozens of video tutorials to develop your skills with the musical expressions of Nada Yoga.

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