Begin The Secret Life

Knowing Where Our Power Lies

spiritual coaching Jan 28, 2022

These are undoubtedly challenging times for everyone in the world. But I want you to know that there is always hope. And a way to address our inner conditions.

When speaking of spiritual practice in the unprecedented circumstances of our time, we have to weigh every word we utter. In addition, our methods have to address the anxiety and depression resulting from so much uncertainty.

No superficial practice will cut it. What is happening in our world is not simple. So we cannot expect a simple solution.

For example, if you want to calm your mind and the nervous system quickly, I suggest chanting "Om Namah Shivaya" with Gnana Mudra. You can reference the mudra in the blog image above. The combination of sound and gesture is powerful. You are grounding and energizing simultaneously.

However, sustaining spiritual consciousness during challenging times requires stamina. Mantra practice will lend itself to the process, but we must learn more than just mantra practice. That's where this...

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Therapeutic Sound Applications

yoga of sound Aug 02, 2021

Over many millennia, humans have used sound and music for healing in cultures around the world. Shamans are the perfect example. With their rattles, drums, and vocalizing, they invoke a spirit or take the person in need of healing into a dimension not known in ordinary states of consciousness. In the 1600s, the western world learned of such conditions through trance-induced yogis who could sleep on a bed of nails and offered cures to various ailments. Later, in the 60s, non-ordinary states of consciousness were associated with psychedelic drugs such as LSD used by hippies. Unfortunately, neither of these examples does justice to the healing power of non-ordinary states. At the same time, we need to take care not to be quick to assume that any non-ordinary state achieved by any means can be helpful to our healing. Finally, we might like to add that a certain maturity is necessary to approach the process with integrity. This article is about such maturity and integration.


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3 Ways To Mantras And Creativity

yoga of sound Jul 23, 2021

First published in Common Ground May/June 2021 as "The Yoga of Sound: Mantras and Creativity"

When repeating a mantra is boring,
here's how to enliven your practice. 

Today, there is widespread interest in kirtan and in mantra chanting, especially within the yoga community. It is as though Western yoga has discovered its soul through these expressions. And there is a lot of creativity happening with mantras, which while good in some ways, can compromise the power and potency of mantras on the other. Creativity, however, is important! It is in itself a form of healing. Mantras too are a form of healing. How then do we bring the two together—mantras and creativity?

Health, we are fast realizing, is not simply the absence of disease: it is a condition of soul that invigorates our being, enabling us to derive the most from life. Also, the effects of yoga as well as of sound vibrations upon our health and well-being have garnered credibility in recent decades....

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The Bhakti Solution

yoga of sound Feb 02, 2021

In this blog, you understand when devotional mantras are helpful to the healing process and when they are not a good part of the solution.

Devotion, from the human perspective, is our ability to appreciate the presence of another. In this sense, a husband might be "devoted" to his wife, a mother to her child. In eastern spirituality, there is also devotion to a guru, a teacher who can be seen and heard.

However, the most profound form of devotion in spirituality is developing a relationship with the unseen, the invisible. How, though, do we develop such a capacity? One way, and a somewhat effective way at that, is to develop devotion in and through our voice.

Bhakti is the cultivation of devotion through the voice, but relating this sensitivity to something hidden and mysterious. While there are "forms" in Bhakti, the forms only serve to mediate that which is formless.

The Bhakti approach to mantras is a specific category or stream within the overall sacred sound system in Indian...

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The Voice As The Soul's Barometer

What if someone told you that your voice is the barometer of your Soul? Would you agree that every condition and quality present in your Soul is reflected in the sound of your voice?

The difference in life experience in an elderly person's voice and a teenager's voice immediately registers upon us, no matter what they say. An elderly person may say something frivolous, yet, we sense maturity in that voice. A teenage, on the other hand, may say something profound. However, we still hear the immaturity of life experience in that voice. Of course, there are always exceptions, moments when something profound comes through a person's voice, no matter what age.

When we examine these moments of profundity closely, we notice a quality of presence that accompanies the voice in these instances. We want to work towards such a quality of presence in ourselves that is a refinement of self. And we discover this more significant presence, this sense of Soul, through the expression of a voice that...

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